Today DMG's unique family work  was featured in a Family Wealth Report article Richard was quoted in the Family Wealth Report article, The Art of Giving. Richard said, “Unmanaged, wealth is a very destructive force. Wealth is a lot like a flood, when the rains come and flood a whole area, and you have to create damns and levies to channel it so that water can behave properly and fulfill its function. To me wealth unchecked is like flood plains, it creates incredible amounts of destruction.”

Click here for the full article by Harriet Davies: FWR – The Art of Giving – Article


Alamo, CA neighbors and beyond it’s time to discover your Place of Possibility™ today. Our goal is to address every aspect of your life, defining a clear and actionable plan that meets your lifestyle needs. So, whether we’re holding your hand or taking more of the reins for you while you do life, you can rest assured that your money is growing and working for you while you enjoy it. Who knew?! Sound like something you’re struggling with or need more of? Get in touch to schedule a free 30-minute consultation, and let’s get started! You can contact us in a few different ways. One, by calling at 925.736.6410, you can send us an email at or jump right into our calendar and select a date and time that works for you. We’re excited to meet with you!

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